The Effect of Message-Framing on Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Among Nulliparous Women in Shushtar, Iran
Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy; Nulliparous Women; Message-FramingAbstract
Introduction: Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and continuing it for 2 years, along with complementary feeding, are the primary objectives of public health plans and nutrition around the world. Self-efficacy is a theoretical framework that could be a strong predictive for breastfeeding. This study aimed to determine the effect of message-framing on self-efficacy of breastfeeding in nulliparous women in Shushtar.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted in 2015 on 210 nulliparous women in Shushtar (Iran). The participants were randomly allocated into intervention and control groups. The study tool was the short form of breastfeeding self-efficacy scale that was completed on arrival of the study (days 3-5), at the end of week four and at the end of week eight. Data were analyzed by SPSS 19, using Chi-square, ANOVA, and repeated measurements.
Results: Mean age of participants was 24.52 years old with standard deviation of 95.4. Mean score of breastfeeding self-efficacy in gain-framed group at days 3-5, week four and week eight was 47.94, 57.43 and 52.8 respectively; in loss-framed group it was 47.76, 56.11 and 52.64 respectively; and in control group it was 45.16, 48.68 and 45.31 respectively. No significant difference was observed between the score of average self-efficacy of days 3-5 and week eight in control group (p=0.93). However, in gain-framed group (p=0.001) and loss-framed group (p=0.004), a significant difference was observed.
Conclusion: Results of this study showed that message-framing promotes breastfeeding self-efficacy in nulliparous women and in this regard, there is no difference between gain-framed and loss-framed messages.
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