Evaluation of hepatitis C, hepatitis B, and HIV virus Serology pandemic in thalassemia patients of Shahid Mohammadi Hospital of Bandar Abbas, Iran
Thalassemia, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, HIVAbstract
Introduction: Thalassemia patients are prone to the hepatitis C, B, and HIV virus, due to their constant need to receive blood transfusions. Therefore, this research was aimed to determine the epidemic of the aforementioned diseases in thalassemia patients of Shahid Mohammadi Hospital of Bandar Abbas, Iran.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out on thalassemia patients visiting the Thalassemia Hospital of Bandar Abbas from March 21, 2014, to March 22, 2015. Checklists were used to collect the data. HBS-Ag, HCV-Ab, and HIV-Ab tests have been registered for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV virus, respectively. The data were analyzed using SPSS 19 by Mann-Whitney U test, chi-square test, and independent samples t-test.
Results: Among 587 records administered into the research, 280 individuals (47.7 %) were men and (52.3 %) were female. The average age of participants was 18.01 ± 9.31 years. The youngest was 1 years old, and the oldest was 46 years old. Four patients under the study (0.7 %) were positive for HBV; 60 (10.2 %) were HCV positive. However, no one in the study was diagnosed HIV positive. In the case of spread, there was no significant difference regarding age and sex in HBV patients. However, in HCV patients, significant differences were found (p=0.044 for gender and p=0.001 for age).
Conclusion: In thalassemia, hepatitis C had the highest rate of spread. According to the screening, it was much anticipated that the trend should be falling, but the results show the contrary. Hence, it is recommended that more precise methods such as PCR be used.
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