Challenges experienced by nurses in the implementation of a healthcare reform plan in Iran
Health Care Reform Plan, Nursing, IranAbstract
Introduction: The Healthcare Reform Plan is counted as a plan for improving healthcare services in Iran. Undoubtedly pros and cons can be seen either in plan or implementation. This study was conducted to describe nurses’ challenges in implementing healthcare reform in Iran.
Methods: A qualitative method centered upon conventional content analysis was applied. We used purposive sampling and data saturation was obtained by 30 participants. Data were analyzed using MAXQDA software.
Results: Challenges experienced by nurses in the implementation of this reform include; unsuitable infrastructure, unfavorable vision, a complicated challenge, the necessity of monitoring, control plan outcomes, the impact on nurses, people’s misconceptions and solutions.
Conclusions: The Healthcare Reform Plan in Iran is a solution to establish equality in the health system, however, to eliminate these challenges, revision and appropriate foundation of infrastructures is called for.
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