Breakfast and fast food eating behavior in relation to socio-demographic differences among school adolescents in Sanandaj Province, Iran
Fast Food, Breakfast, Adolescents, Eating habitsAbstract
Introduction: Fast food consumption and skipping breakfast has been increasingly prevalent among high school adolescents in recent years. These unhealthy food habits are considered as risk factors of chronic diseases among adolescents and adults.
Aim: To determine the consumption amount of fast food, breakfast, and some associated factors in adolescents.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study in 2015, 553 adolescent students aged 14-18 years were randomly selected among high schools of Sanandaj, Iran. Demographic data and also consumption amount of fast food and breakfast in adolescents in addition to the related factors were studied. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire which its reliability and validity were measured by five experts and analyzed with SPSS-16 by Chi-square test and ANOVA.
Results: The results show that 69.8 % of subjects consume fast food at least once a week. Fast food and breakfast consumption is related significantly to subjects’ fathers’ occupation respectively (p=0.005), (p=0.006). Eating breakfast is significantly higher among boys than girls (p<0.001). There is also a significant relationship between adolescents’ age and parents’ education level, and adolescents’ breakfast consumption respectively (p=0.003), (p<0.001). The studied factors affecting adolescents’ fast food consumption are: their own and their families and friends’ interest and accompaniment, advertisement, close proximity of school and home to fast food stores.
Conclusion: The consumption of fast food is high among Iranian adolescents. It correlates significantly with variables including father’s occupation and all of the associated factors. Breakfast consumption correlates significantly with adolescents’ age and gender, as well as parents’ occupation and educational level.
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