Information management flow for tele-homecare for the elderly
An emerging need for continuity of care
Electronic Health Record; Home Care; Elderly; Telecare; DataAbstract
Background and objectives: Tele-homecare methods can be used to provide home care for the elderly, if information management is provided. The aim of this study was to compare the places and methods of the data collection and media that use Tele-homecare for the elderly in selected countries in 2015.
Methods: A comparative-applied library study was conducted in 2015. The study population were five countries, including Canada, Australia, England, Denmark, and Taiwan. The data collection tool was a checklist based on the objectives of study. Persian and English papers from 1998 to 2014, related to the Electronic Health Record, home care and the elderly were extracted from authentic journals and reference books as well as academic and research websites. Data were collected by reviewing the papers. After collecting data, comparative tables were prepared and the weak and strong points of each case were investigated and analyzed in selected countries.
Results: Clinical, laboratory, imaging and pharmaceutical data were obtained from hospitals, physicians' offices, clinics, pharmacies and long-term healthcare centers. Mobile and tablet-based technologies and personal digital assistants were used to collect data. Data were published via Internet, online and offline databanks, data exchange and dissemination via registries and national databases. Managed care methods were telehealth management systems and point of service.
Conclusion: For continuity of care, it is necessary to consider managed care and equipment with regard to obtaining data in various forms from various sources, sharing data with registries and national databanks as well as the Electronic Health Record. With regard to the emergence of wearable technology and its use in home care, it is suggested to study the integration of its data with Electronic Health Records.
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