Effect of health-belief-model-based training on performance of women in breast self-examination
Health belief model, Self-examination, Breast cancer, BreastAbstract
Background: Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer death among women in the world. With prevention and examinations, including breast self-examination, the death rate will be reduced.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health-belief-model-based training on the performance of women in breast self-examination in the province of Fars (Iran).
Methods: An empirical study examined the effect of an eight-week training program based on the health belief model among 144 women who visited health care centers in the city of Abadeh in Fars Province (Iran) in 2015. Data gathered through researcher-made questionnaires including awareness, components of the health belief model, performance, and demographic information. IBM-SPSS software version 20, descriptive and inferential statistical tests such as T-test, chi-square, Mann–Whitney, and repeated measurements were used for data analysis.
Results: After the intervention, a significant difference was seen in average awareness, perceived susceptibility, and performance of women (p<0.05), while it was not significant in benefits constructs, perceived barriers, and perceived severity and practice guide. After intervention, the average score of awareness was increased significantly (p<0.001). Also, the average score of performance in breast self-examination showed a significant difference (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Due to the low level of awareness of women about breast self-examination, using a health belief model with an increase of the perceived susceptibility could be effective in improving their performance in breast self-examination.
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