An ethno-pharmacological study of plants used for traditional medication in Tangail district, Bangladesh
Medicinal plants, Tangail, Bangladesh, PharmacologyAbstract
Background: In Bangladesh, folk medicinal practitioners are called “Kaviraj” and are consulted for treatment of various ailments by a large part of the rural and urban population. There are some previous studies conducted in the Tangail district of Bangladesh about medicinal plants, but there is no relevant information about this aspect in some parts of this district.
Aim: To conduct an ethno-pharmacological survey among the “Kaviraj” of two upazilas (regions) in Tangail district, namely Tangail Sadar Upazila and Nagarpur Upazila, to identify the trouble-free formulations of medicinal plants for various diseases used by the folk medicine practitioners on or after other forms of medical practices.
Methods: A guided field-walk survey was carried out employing a local guide and asking local people about practicing “Kaviraj”; four of the “Kaviraj” convened and after receiving permission from the “Kaviraj”, interviews were conducted through focused group discussion.
Results: It was observed that the “Kaviraj” of the two upazilas used a total of 25 plants distributed into 20 families for healing of various diseases. In most of the cases, leaves were the key part of most of the plants used for treatment. Plants were mainly used for treating gastrointestinal tract disorders, fever, constipation, and diarrhea, and indigestion, loss of appetite, pain and skin disorders. “Kaviraj” also treat complicated diseases such as tuberculosis, hypertension, sexual disorders, infections, urinary problems, hepatic disorders, pneumonia, stomach stones, diabetes, swellings, debility, kidney problems, tumor, vitamin C deficiency and poisoning by using medicinal plants
Conclusion: For a country such as Bangladesh, and particularly the district studied, medicinal plants are essential assets and have a major role in people’s health care structure. Also, appropriate research should be conducted for using these medicinal plants in possible new drug designs as well as many other pharmaceutical benefits.
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