Elderly peoples’ experiences of nursing homes in Bam city
A qualitative study
Aged, Qualitative study, Iran, nursing homeAbstract
Background: With the increasing number of elderly, especially in recent decades, transfer to nursing homes and the number of centers has also increased but experiences and problems of elders in these centers is less considered. So, the goal of this study is to explore the Elderly peoples’ experiences of nursing homes.
Methods: The current research was performed using a phenomenological approach in 2016. Participation in the study is comprised of the elderly residents in a nursing home in Bam city who were selected based on an objective-oriented approach. The sampling was done until data saturation. Data collection methods were observation and an unstructured and in-depth interview. Data were analyzed using seven-stage Colaizzi process.
Results: In total, fifteen 68 - 82 years old people participated in our study and 52 primary and conceptual codes that were eventually categorized in five main themes (sense of rejection, sense of daily routine, impaired of communications, sense of hardship and mental obsession) and ten sub-themes emerged.
Conclusion: Overall, most of the elders were not satisfied with the conditions. It seems that helpful, community and family education to acculturate respect for the elderly in the community, teach proper coping strategies, use the elderly’s experiences, and consultation with them could be a way to maintain a sense of usefulness, independence and to prevent them from sensing monotonous and routine rhythm of life.
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