Exploring the perception of nursing students about consequences of reflection in clinical settings
Reflection; Nursing; Student; Clinical Practicum; Qualitative StudyAbstract
Background: Reflection on practical experiences is a key element that enables students to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses and develop nursing skills. Whilst reflection may enhance students’ learning in practice, there is little evidence about nursing students’ perception of the consequences of reflection in clinical settings.
Objective: This study aimed to explore Iranian nursing students’ perception regarding the consequences of reflection during clinical practices.
Methods: This qualitative study was conducted by a conventional content analysis approach in two nursing schools at Shiraz and Fasa Universities of Medical Sciences in Iran. Data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews during 2015-2016, from 20 students selected by purposive sampling. All the interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed by content analysis method. Rigor of this study was approved by member check and external audit.
Results: Two categories emerged from the data analysis, including movement toward professionalism and self-actualization of emotions. The former consisted of three subcategories of function modification, sharing experiences and generalizing experiences. The latter consisted of two subcategories of inner satisfaction and peace of mind.
Conclusion: The results indicated that nursing students’ reflection in clinical settings is effective in personal and professional levels. Reflection in a personal level led to positive emotions that increased the quality of care in patients. Accordingly, nursing educators need to create a nurturing climate as well as supporting reflective behaviors of nursing students.
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