Factors affecting the choice of type of delivery with breast feeding in Iranian mothers
Breast-feeding, Factor, Iran , DeliveryAbstract
Objective: This study assessed the factors affecting the choice of type of delivery with breast feeding in Iranian mothers.
Methods: This Cross section descriptive analytic study was performed using a random sampling technique, using data from 400 pregnant women who attended the maternity centers in Borazjan and Kazerun in Iran in 2014. A questionnaire covering demographic characteristics, mode of delivery and postpartum conditions was completed for each mother. Descriptive analysis and Chi square test were used along with SPSS 23 software to statistically analyze the data and p-value less than 0.05 was considered for statistical significance.
Results: In this study, the rate of normal delivery and cesarean operation are considered equal. In the main factors influencing the choice of delivery, mothers’ education level (p=0.028) and pregnancy status (p=0.041) showed a significant relationship. Although no significant association between child nutrition with the type of delivery was found, duration of breastfeeding with the type of delivery showed significant association (p=0.046).
Conclusion: Although cesarean delivery in many cases is life-saving for mother and fetus; in addition to medical indications, parents with higher education and pregnancy status are also important factors in increasing the rate of cesarean section compared to vaginal delivery. Babies of mothers with normal delivery had a longer time of breastfeeding. Further studies in Iran are necessary, regarding the reasons for high cesarean section and their outcomes.
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