Caregiving burden of children with chronic diseases
Caregiving burden, Caregiver, ChildAbstract
Background: The care demands of children with chronic diseases can affect caregivers’ health by imposing caregiving burden to them. The health status of caregivers plays a vital role in the quality of care provided to such children and in their quality of life.
Objective: To determine caregiving burden in caregivers and to identify relevant influential factors.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total number of 249 caregivers of children with chronic diseases who referred to hospitalization and ambulatory departments of Bandar Abbas, Iran in 2016 were selected using convenience sampling method. The main caregivers who were older than 18 years and provided care to a sick child for at least three months consecutively were included. Caregiving burden was measured using the Caregiver Burden Scale. Data was analyzed SPSS 16 using descriptive statistics, Spearman’s correlation coefficient and Mann-Whitney U test.
Results: Mean score of caregiving burden was 1.98 which was close to moderate level. The highest caregiving burden was observed in general strain dimension (2.35), and cerebral palsy imposed the maximum burden to caregivers (2.24). Correlation coefficient revealed that perceived caregiving burden was in connection with children’s and caregivers’ age, duration of disease and caregiving, child’s level of disability, number of family members and income level (p<0.05). Mann-Whitney U test showed that female caregivers, villagers, and caregivers dealing with more than one patient experienced higher burden (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Different variables can increase caregiving burden. Therefore, planning for holistic and family-centered interventions to decrease caregiving burden is necessary for health care providers.
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