Exploring perceptions of policymakers about main strategies to enhance fertility rate
A qualitative study in Iran
Iran, Population policy, Qualitative study, Fertility rateAbstract
Background: Total fertility rate in Iran has declined unprecedentedly over the past thirty years. However, debating on proper strategies to increase fertility is still a matter of discussion among experts.
Objective: To explain the main strategies to increase fertility from the viewpoints of the policy makers.
Methods: This is a qualitative study using content analysis. Purposeful sampling approach was used to gather data. The data were collected via semi-structured interviews. Eight experts participated in the study and the main criteria were executive experience related to public health, scientific publication in these areas and availability as well as their own interest. Content analysis was used to extract the codes.
Results: The main theme extracted was improving the infrastructures. Almost all participants agreed on interventions around removing marriage obstacles, improving working conditions for women, improving the quality of the educational system, training and consultation, research, and improving services to increase fertility rate.
Conclusions: The government should formulate long-term instead of short-term policies, and note that improving the economic conditions along with the promotion of social welfare, and enabling women in balancing work and family, are highly influential in childbearing decision-making, as they ensure a better future for the next generation. In addition, people should touch on the potential risk of future fertility reduction, so it is suggested to inform the public through free discussions.
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