The effect of perineal massage during the second stage of birth on nulliparous women perineal
A randomization clinical trial
Perineal massage, Nulliparous, Laceration, Episiotomy, Second stageAbstract
Background: Childbirth and puerperium are of the most important periods in women’s lives and can affect different aspects of their lives.
Objective: To determine the effect of perineal massage in the second stage of labor on perineal lacerations, episiotomy, and perineal pain in nulliparous women.
Methods: This randomization clinical trial was conducted at Be’sat Hospital in Sanandaj, Iran, from 2013 to 2014. A total of 195 nulliparous women were included in the study. The participants were selected through convenience sampling, and randomly assigned to two groups: intervention and control groups. The intervention group received 30-minute perineal massage during second stage of labor. Subsequently, we analyzed perineal laceration, episiotomy, and perineal pain among the two groups. All of them were taught about postpartum perineal pain and its severity, and the researcher followed them up 3 days, 10 days, and 3 months after childbirth by telephone. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 18. We used descriptive statistics and analytical statistics, including t test, Chi-square test, and Fisher's test.
Results: Frequency of episiotomy was 69.47% in the intervention group and 92.31% in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). The results revealed 23.16% of first-degree perineal laceration and 2.11% of second-degree perineal laceration in the intervention group, and no vestibular laceration or third- and fourth-degree lacerations in the intervention group. However, there were 5.13% of vestibular laceration, 7.69% of first-degree laceration, 2.56% of second-degree laceration, and 1.05% of third-degree laceration (one woman) in the control group. Based on the results, the postpartum perineal pain was significantly different in both groups.
Conclusion: Regarding the results of this study and those of other studies, perineal massage during the second stage of labor can reduce the need to episiotomy, perineal injuries, and perineal pain.
Trial registration: The trial was registered at the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials ( with the Irct.ID: IRCT2013090314556N1.
Funding: This study received by financial support of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran.
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