Effectiveness of teaching cognitive-behavioral techniques on locus of control in hemodialysis patients
Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Hemodialysis, Locus of control, MeshkinshahrAbstract
Background: Many of the cognitive behavioral models and therapeutic protocols developed so far for psychological disorders and chronic diseases have proved effective through clinical research.
Objective: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of teaching cognitive-behavioral techniques on locus of control in hemodialysis patients.
Methods: This controlled clinical trial study was conducted in 2015 with 76 patients selected by census and treated with a hemodialysis machine in the dialysis department of Vali-Asr Hospital in the city of Meshkinshahr. A total of four patients were excluded because of their critical conditions while the rest, who were recruited, were randomly divided into two equal groups of 36 patients as the intervention and control groups. First, the locus of control was measured in both groups through a pretest, and cognitive-behavioral techniques were then taught to the intervention group during eight 45 to 90-minute sessions. The locus of control in patients of both groups was finally re-measured through a posttest. Data were collected using Rotter's Locus of Control Inventory. The Wilcoxon test and Mann–Whitney U test were respectively used in SPSS18 for data analysis.
Results: In the pretest and posttest stages respectively, 4.8% and 14.3% of samples in the control group as well as 14.3% and 33.3% of samples in the intervention group enjoyed internal locus of control. The difference between the pretest and posttest scores of internal locus of control in the intervention group was significant (p=0.004), which indicates the positive effect of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapeutic intervention on internalization of locus of control in this group.
Conclusions: Given the external locus of control in most of the study patients and also the positive significant effect of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy on internalization of locus of control in this group of patients, it appears necessary to have a psychology resident present in the hemodialysis department to teach the necessary cognitive-behavioral techniques to internalize the locus of control.
Trial registration: The trial was registered at the Thai Clinical Trial Registry (http://www.clinicaltrials.in.th) with the TCTID: TCTR20170707003.
Funding: The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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