Obstacles facing evidence based medicine in physical medicine and rehabilitation
From opinion and knowledge to practice
Physical and rehabilitation medicine, Evidence -based medicine, Iran, Attitude, KnowledgeAbstract
Background: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is a new approach to medicine which can guide clinical services toward effective and beneficial results with the least side effects or errors. Up to now, there have been few available articles about specialists’ EBM status, specifically the status of physiatrists in the area of EBM.
Objective: To determine the present status of physiatrists’ attitudes, knowledge and skill in the area of EBM and the existing obstacles.
Methods: The cross-sectional study was performed in 2014 among physiatrists in Iran. The valid and reliable questionnaire contained 25 questions in 8 fields including demographic and professional information, point of view regarding EBM, familiarity with databases, educational history and information about EBM, use of scientific resources, scientific evidence usage, and the amount of access to resources. Final analysis of the questionnaires was done using SPSS version 16.
Results: One hundred twenty-eight questionnaires were completed (response percentage 52.2%). In total, 48.4% specialists had attended EBM workshops and 89.6% of people were familiar with medical search engines. The amount of familiarity with databases was mostly with MEDLINE/PubMed (52.3%). Respondents mainly had a positive point of view towards EBM. Those who had access to databases at work or somewhere out of home had a more positive attitude (p=0.002). Those who had attended EBM workshops and members of faculty also had more positive attitudes (p=0.003 and p=0.01, respectively). Around 70% of responders had adequate knowledge regarding EBM. Physicians, members of faculty and participants who had spent more time on research, reviewed articles and attended workshops had more knowledge (p=0.001). There were three major obstacles recognized: An insufficient amount of knowledge regarding the principles, advantages and applications of EBM, difficulty with gaining access to associated databases and an insufficient amount of activity in judging and analyzing the related articles.
Conclusion: Results from our study revealed that although there is a significant number of physiatrists who are familiar with the practicality of EBM, they are still not familiar enough with its concepts and applications.
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