Predicting effective factors on eating behaviors in the prevention of cardiovascular disease based on the PRECEDE model
Eating behaviors, Cardiovascular disease, Predisposing factors, Reinforcing factors, Enabling factorsAbstract
Background and aim: Changes in eating behavior can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to predict the effective factors of eating behaviors in the prevention of cardiovascular disease using the PRECEDE model.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 400 subjects aged from 20 to 60 years old in Kerman, Iran in 2016. The participants were selected using a multistage random sampling method. A self-administered questionnaire including questions regarding demographic characteristics, eating behavior, and PRECEDE model constructs were completed by the participants. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22 and STATA 12. For data analysis, Spearman correlation coefficient, univariate and multiple median regression were applied. The predictive power of the model constructs was determined by analysis of artificial neural networks.
Results: Among participants, the score of knowledge was high (84.15±10.7), and the scores of perceived self-efficacy (59.1±16.57), reinforcing factors (60.66±14.01), enabling factors (56.5±12.91), and eating behavior (62.1±14.7) were intermediate, and the score of attitude was low (47.84±7.67). Attitude, self-perceived efficacy, enabling factors, and knowledge predicted 32%, 30%, 26%, and 0.93% of participants' eating behavior respectively. The relationship between all variables and eating behavior was positive and significant (p<0.0001). Perceived self-efficacy had the most, and reinforcing factors the least correlation with eating behavior.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, self-efficacy, attitude, and enabling factors were the main predicting factors for eating behaviors; therefore, to prevent cardiovascular disease and enhance healthy eating behavior, it is recommended to change attitude, and enhance self-efficacy and enabling factors in the community.
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