Effect of educational intervention based on the Health Belief Model on promoting self-care behaviors of type-2 diabetes patients
Self-Care, Educational Intervention, Diabetes Type 2Abstract
Background and Objective: Diabetes is a chronic disease in which patients require lifelong self-care behaviors. The present study offset to determine the effect of educational intervention based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) on promoting self-care behaviors of type 2 diabetes patients in Ilam, Iran 2014. Methods: A quasi-experimental research was conducted based on HBM in which 70 type 2 diabetic patients from Ilam, western Iran in 2014 were selected by multi-stage random sampling. A self-designed questionnaire was used, and pre-test was administered, subsequently, the educational intervention sessions were provided in the form of presentation, questions and answers, group discussion, and practical demonstrations in four sessions over a period of one month. Two months after the intervention, the post-tests were administered. The data were analyzed via SPSS 20 applying independent samples t-test, paired samples t-test, and univariate and multivariate regressions at a significance level of less than 0.05. Results: The mean scores of susceptibility, severity, perceived benefits and barriers, self-efficacy, and self-care behaviors were at average and lower levels before the intervention; nonetheless, after the educational intervention, the mean score of each HBM construct and the self-care behaviors significantly increased (p<0.001). Conclusion: Health education through HBM promotes the self-care behaviors of patients with type 2 diabetes.References
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