Exploring nurses’ experience about facilitating factors in medication administration based on clinical judgment of nurses
A content analysis
Judgment, Nurse, IranAbstract
Background: Clinical judgment of nurses to conduct medication orders is based on patient assessment, medication knowledge, observation, and interpretation of the data collected. This process is influenced by many factors. Objective: This study aims to explore nurses’ experience about facilitating factors in medication administration based on clinical judgment of nurses. Methods: This qualitative study was part of an approved project research of the Iranian National Institute of Health Research, which was conducted in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences in 2015. Based on purposive sampling of 18 participants, 26 open and semistructured interviews were conducted. Based on conventional content analysis method and using MAXQDA2010, coding and categorizing the data were applied. During the analysis, data collection continued until saturation. Results: Analysis of the data led to the emergence of five themes, including the implementation of evidence-based medication orders, situational-based medication orders, medication orders in critical condition, educational interventions in medication orders, and supporting the nurses as facilitator of the implementation of medicinal orders based on clinical judgment of nurses. Conclusion: In response to constraints such as the routines, clinical crisis and lack of evidence in medicinal orders, nurses used following ways to fix these barriers and facilitators. Combining evidence such as clinical guidelines, physician’s views based on patients, and clinical conditions proved the best facilitator. It is recommended that, using these results, a perfect background for the proper administration of medication orders by nurses should be provided.
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