Sources, Outcomes, and Resolution of Conflicts in Marriage among Iranian women
A qualitative study
conflict, marriage, qualitative studyAbstract
Introduction: Family’s conflict is the important determinant of the quality and quantity of relationships among family members. No study of which we are aware has assessed conflicts, especially among normal or apparently satisfied couples in the Iranian context. This study explored that how women deal with different points, ideas and behaviors in marital life.
Methods: For the study, we recruited 30 to 45-year-old housewives who visited health centers in Tehran, Iran. The participants (n = 45) were selected using purposefully convenient sampling. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were used. The data were analyzed qualitatively using MAXQDA 10.
Results: Themes, including conflicting situations, causes of conflict, consequences of conflict, and conflict resolution styles were extracted.
Conclusion: Although Iranian women were dissatisfied with their lives, they tried to protect their marriages.
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