Health-related variables and predictors of Health-promoting Lifestyle in cardiovascular disease patients
cardiovascular disease; exercise stress test; health-promoting lifestyleAbstract
Introduction: The principal cause for death in the world is cardiovascular disease. Poor lifestyle is a contributing element in this regard. The objective of this study was to estimate the effects of health-related variables and lifestyle variables on the results of exercise stress tests in patients with cardiovascular disease in Iran.
Methods: The study population in this case-control study was 220 patients who were candidates for exercise stress tests in Mazandaran Province (Iran) in 2015. The patients were divided randomly into two groups based on the results of their exercise stress tests, i.e., positive (110 patients) and negative (110 patients). The data collection tool was a standard questionnaire entitled "Health promotion lifestyle profile-II." The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, the Chi-squared test, and logistic regression by SPSS version 22 software.
Results: The risk of a positive exercise stress test increases with age. The age group above 65 was 1.049 times more at risk of a positive exercise stress test than the age group of less than 45. The people with dyslipidemia had 1.635 times greater risk of positive exercise stress tests than the group without dyslipidemia. In addition, patients with hypertension had 1.579 times greater risk of positive exercise stress tests than the group without hypertension. The lack of individual health responsibility (Odds ratio (OR): 1.622), stress management (OR: 1.592), and physical activity (OR: 1.245) contributed more to positive exercise tests than the other risk factors.
Conclusion: Educational interventions can improve the responsibility for health, physical activity, and stress management among people with the risk of cardiovascular disease.
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