Components that affect the Implementation of Health Services` Strategic Purchasing: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature
A Comprehensive Review of the Literature
Introduction: Strategic purchasing is one of the mechanisms that can increase access, equity, and efficiency as well as the correct management of health resources. The aim of this study was to extract important and influential factors as necessary infrastructures to implement this method.
Methods: In this comprehensive literature review, 13 databases and search engines were searched from 2000 to 2015 by applying appropriate keywords. From a total of 1403 titles and after ensuring the validity of the study by the Clinical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) tool, 18 articles that contained title, abstract, and associated text were used in the study, and their related information was analyzed and extracted using an extraction form and LitAssist software.
Results: The findings showed six categories of intervention have been effective in the strategic purchasing of all health interventions in different countries. These six categories were "The target group of users of the service" (demand side), "purchased interventions," "providers and suppliers of interventions" (the supply side), "Methods and incentives" (payment method), "price," and "Structure and organization."
Conclusion: Although the necessity of performing strategic purchasing in the health sector or developing countries is an indisputable fact, it is of great importance to use the experiences of developed countries while considering the factors extracted from the study for implementing this method. In this regard, it is suggested that studies be performed that can lead to assessing the feasibility of strategic purchasing for health services in developing countries and also in Iran to help health policy makers in these countries.
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