Reallocation of Shafa Hospital Beds in Kerman Using Goal Programming Model
Goal programming, Inpatient bed, Bed allocationAbstract
Introduction: In order to improve health, hospital sources such as beds and staffing should be properly allocated and used. The aim of this study is reallocation of Shafa hospital beds in Kerman using a goal-programming model.
Methods: This study was an applied cross-sectional study, which used the goal programming model and software WinQSB to optimize bed allocation. By review of the literature and interviews with experts, the constraints in beds allocation were identified, and using the collected data the desired model was designed.
Results: Hospital beds were redistributed based on the constraints of the goal-programming model and objectives. The results showed that there was a shortage of beds in departments such as burns, GICU, HICU, cardiac surgery, emergency, and orthopedics, and excess of beds in the ear, nose, and throat (ENT), ophthalmology, and neurology departments.
Conclusion: It is anticipated that the optimal allocation of hospital beds, regarding hospital activity indicators, can lead to greater justice in the provision of services and a better distribution of resources.
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