Conference Report
International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies, Tlemcen, Algeria 27-29 September 2016 ICHSMT’16
Conference report, Health sciences, Medical technology, Algeria, TlemcenAbstract
The International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies (ICHSMT’16) was held in Tlemcen, Algeria from 27-29 September 2016. The conference was organized by the University Of Tlemcen, in partnership with Electronic Physician Journal, Mehr Publishing, and Mehrafarin Scientific Publishing. There were participants from 14 nations who presented their research in poster or oral presentations. There were also some keynote speakers who gave talks on topics such as community health, ethics of publishing medical research, and scientific writing.
Seger Wolfgang, Editors: A. Khelassi. The Rediscovery of the Social Side of Medicine: Philosophy and
Value of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Invited talk. Abstracts
Book of ICHSMT’16- International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies; 2016 Sep
-29; Tlemcen, Algeria. Mehr publishing; 2016. V p
Jalalian Mehrdad, Editors: A. Khelassi. How to write scientific journals of the highest standards. Invited
talk. Abstracts Book of ICHSMT’16- International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical
Technologies; 2016 Sep 27-29; Tlemcen, Algeria. Mehr publishing; 2016. VIII p
Kaouel Meguenni, Editors: A. Khelassi. Reviews and sensitization about cancer in Algeria. Invited talk.
Abstracts Book of ICHSMT’16- International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies;
Sep 27-29; Tlemcen, Algeria. Mehr publishing; 2016. IX p
Joseph Kajima Mulengi. Editors: A. Khelassi. Nutrichemistry, a means of preventing and healing chronic
diseases. Abstracts Book of ICHSMT’16- International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical
Technologies; 2016 Sep 27-29; Tlemcen, Algeria. Mehr publishing; 2016. 14p
Sarra-Nassira Yelles chaouche, Faiza Benais, Abdeldjalil Khelassi.Editors: A. Khelassi. Multi-arrhythmias
detection with an XML rule-based system from 12 leads Electrocardiogram. Abstracts Book of
ICHSMT’16- International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies; 2016 Sep 27-29;
Tlemcen, Algeria. Mehr publishing; 2016. 9p
Sebaa Abderrazak, Nouicer Amina, Tari AbdelKamel, Ramtani Tarik, Ouhab Abdellah. Editors: A.
Khelassi. Decision support system for Health Care Resources allocation. Abstracts Book of ICHSMT’16-
International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies; 2016 Sep 27-29; Tlemcen,
Algeria. Mehr publishing; 2016. 8p
Lasgaa Meryem, Ghomari Soumia, Boudali Bouchra. Editors: A. Khelassi. Severe liver dysfunction and
safe use of capecitabine cisplatine in one patient with metastatic gastric carcinoma. Abstracts Book of
ICHSMT’16- International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies; 2016 Sep 27-29;
Tlemcen, Algeria. Mehr publishing; 2016. 25p
Lasgaa Meryem, Ghomari Soumia, Boudali Bouchra. Editors: A. Khelassi. Severe liver dysfunction and
safe use of capecitabine-cisplatin in one patient with metastatic gastric carcinoma Abstracts Book of
ICHSMT’16- International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies; 2016 Sep 27-29;
Tlemcen, Algeria. Mehr publishing; 2016. 25p
Romaissaa Mokdad, Abdelkader Hadjsadok , Ali Aouabed. Editors: A. Khelassi. Effects of a bio-gel
prepared with Guergour thermal spring water on eczema symptoms. Abstracts Book of ICHSMT’16-
International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies; 2016 Sep 27-29; Tlemcen,
Algeria. Mehr publishing; 2016. 47p
Houria Sahel, Ramzi Boulaoudmou, Bakar Bouadjar Editors: A. Khelassi. Prevalence of metabolic
syndrome in patients with psoriasis: a case-control study at a Department of Dermatology in Algiers.
Abstracts Book of ICHSMT’16- International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies;
Sep 27-29; Tlemcen, Algeria. Mehr publishing; 2016. 23p.
LAVIN, M. A., RUEBLING, I., BANKS, R., et al. Interdisciplinary health professional education: a
historical review. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 2001, vol. 6, no 1, p. 25-47.
Abdeldjalil KHELASSI, ‘’ Artificial Reasoning Systems: Theory and Medical Applications’’ LAMBERT
ACADEMIC publishing -LAP-, ISBN: 978-3-659-40151-0, published 21-05-2013.

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