Prevalence of postoperative pressure ulcer
A systematic review and meta-analysis
Pressure ulcer, Prevalence, Risk factors, Surgical patientsAbstract
Introduction: A pressure ulcer is a serious safety issue in healthcare systems. The patient’s rate of infection with an ulcer, especially a postoperative ulcer, is critical, as it is dictated by factors such as being in a fixed position during surgery, the type of anesthesia used, the duration of surgery, and patient-related factors. The present study was conducted to carry out a systematic assessment of the prevalence of a postoperative pressure ulcer and to find its general prevalence using a meta-analysis.
Methods: The researchers searched databases, including PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, Science Direct, the Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science (WOS). For English articles published online between January 2000 and October 2015 on the subject of a pressure ulcer, a total of 19 articles were ultimately selected based on the study inclusion criteria. Then results were analyzed in Stata-11.
Results: The 19 articles qualified for entering the meta-analysis examined a total of 9527 patients. The studies estimated the general prevalence of a postoperative pressure ulcer as 18.96% (CI 95%: 15.3–22.6); the prevalence by gender was reported as 10.1% (CI 95%: 7.2- 13.01) in men and 12.8% (CI 95%: 8.3-17.2) in women. Stage 1 ulcer had a 17.02% prevalence (CI 95%: 11.04- 22.9), stage 2 a 6.7% prevalence (CI 95%: 3.8- 9.7), stage 3 a 0.9% prevalence (CI 95%: 0.2-1.6), and stage 4 a 0.4% (CI 95%: -0.05-0.8) prevalence.
Conclusion: The prevalence of a postoperative pressure ulcer is high among the entire population; however, it is still higher in women than in men. The prevalence of a stage 1 ulcer is higher than the prevalence of the other stages of an ulcer.
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