The Effect of Theory Based Nutritional Education on Fat Intake, Weight and Blood Lipids
Blood lipids, Blood Pressure, Education, Fat intake, WeightAbstract
Introduction: Though Nutrition plays a key role in the control of hypertension, it is often forgotten in Iranian patients’ diet. In fact, dietary behavior can be regarded as unsatisfactory among Iranian patients. This study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of theory based educational intervention on fat intake, weight, and blood lipids among rural hypertensive patients.
Methods: This quasi experimental study was conducted on 138 hypertensive patients who had referred to Ardabil rural health centers during 2014. The nutritional education based on DASH and Health Promotion Model (HPM) was treated for six sessions. The pre-test and post-test had intervals of two and six months. Data were analyzed using SPSS-18 and Chi-square, independent-samples t-test, paired-samples t-test and repeated measure ANOVA.
Results: After treating intervention, weight, dietary fat, LDL_C and Total cholesterol, systolic and diastolic blood pressures decreased significantly in the intervention group compared with the control group (p < 0.001). In contrast, HDL_C increased significantly in the intervention group.
Conclusion: Educational intervention, provided based on Pender’s health promotion model, affecting fat intake, blood lipids, and blood pressure, led to their decrease
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