AIDS and hepatitis B and C high risk behaviors among 15 to 45 years old individuals in Bandar Abbas (Iran) in 2012
AIDS, hepatitis, amphetamineAbstract
Background: AIDS and hepatitis are two of the most important health issues in the world. Adolescents and individuals in their reproductive years are important population for interventions in order to reduce high risk behaviors for transmission of sexually transmitted disease. However the prevalence of AIDS and hepatitis B and C is high in Bandar Abbas, no study is available about high risk behaviors related to these diseases in Bandar Abbas. The aim of the current study was to investigate high risk behaviors related to AIDS and hepatitis B and C among 15- to 45 year old individuals in Bandar Abbas, Southern Iran.
Method: In this analytical study, 1938 participants between 15- and 45 years of age in Bandar Abbas in 2012 were selected to participate in this study. For each individual, the following information was sought: shared syringes, phlebotomy, tattoos, prisoning, drug abuse, amphetamine, alcohol, smoking, unsafe sexual contacts, as well as demographic information including age, sex, marital status, and education level. Data were analysed using SPSS version 16 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, Illinois, United States) using descriptive statistics and chi-square tests.
Results: A total of 8.4% reported having had tattoos; 10.3% reported previous phlebotomy. Individuals with prison history included 7.3% of our study population and their mean age was 31.4 years. Unsafe sexual contact was reported in 10.7% of the study sample. High risk behaviors were more common among individuals with a low educational level, and in alcohol users and amphetamine users (P<0.05).
Conclusion: High risk behaviors are more common among individuals in their reproductive years. Increasing educational level and knowledge translation are effective in preventing AIDS and hepatitis high risk behaviors.
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