Amblyopia screening in children in Bandar Abbas (Iran) during 2011-2012
Amblyopia, Screening, Strabismus, Refractive errorsAbstract
Introduction: Amblyopia is an acquired defect of vision caused by abnormal visual experience that occurs during childhood. Since early diagnosis is important in preventing further irreparable effects, the aim of this study was to investigate the outcome of amblyopia screening in children.
Methods: Data from the amblyopia screening program in the Welfare Department of Bandar Abbas during 2011-2012 were used. Suspected cases were referred to specialists in the Optometry clinic for screening purposes. Subsequently, patients who suffered from strabismus, amblyopia, or refractive errors were referred to ophthalmologists. SPSS version16 was used to analyze the data. The significance level was set at P < 0.05.
Results: Of the 16,599 children examined in 2012, 2486 suspected cases of amblyopia were diagnosed and 168 being diagnosed with amblyopia after visit with ophthalmologist. The prevalence rate of amblyopia was 1.01%. In 2011, of 17,733 cases, 2013 children were diagnosed as suspected cases and 171 patients were diagnosed to be amblyopic finally.
Conclusions: The prevalence of amblyopia in this study was 0.96% and 1.01% in years 2011 and 2012 respectively, which was consistent with the results of studies in other countries. By considering the importance of diagnosing the prevalence of amblyopia on time in preschool and in order to prevent children`s low vision or blindness in future, it is essential to increase the quality of the examinations that are conducted by the trainers.
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