The Role of Dance in the Functioning and Socialization of People with Cerebral Palsy
A Pilot Clinical Trial
Dance, Socialization, Cerebral palsy, Body Functioning, CommunicationAbstract
Background: Dance fosters a distinctive body language that enables communication by awakening sensations, emotions and thoughts that are fundamental to the listening body in various prisms. Dance practice can promote neuropsychomotor improvement, as well as fundamental attributes for social interaction and functional independence, in people with Cerebral Palsy (CP). Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a specific dance program to promote body functioning and socialization of people with CP and how a systematization of dance protocol directed toward body dysfunctions is able to unlock the social potential inherent in every individual. Methods: This pilot clinical trial was conducted on seven patients who have cerebral palsy were recruited at the Federal University of Sergipe, Lagarto city, Brazil, from January 03, 2019 to December 12, 2019. A specific dance program lasting 60 minutes was used. Evaluations were carried out before and after 12 months of intervention using instruments that assess dance efficiency, functional independence and social function in all participants. For statistical analysis, IBM-SPSS version 22 was used to apply the Shapiro-Wilk, Levene and Wilcoxon Matched Pars test. Results: After 12 months of intervention, those with CP who participated in the specific dance project and public presentations were evaluated. In the Functional Independence Measure, the locomotion value (T1: 6.71±1.94; T2: 8.20±1.93 (95% CI, p=0.03), communication (T1: 9.14±2.71; T2: 13.00±1.00 (95% CI, p=0.04), social cognition (T1: 9.00±2.19; T2: 18.00±1.51 (95% CI, p=0.01) and total value (T1: 74.40±14.15; T2: 86.20±14.54 (95% CI, p=0.008) were significant, and the difficulties in highlighting social participation decreased from 57% to 26% (95% CI, p=0.01). Conclusion: Dance stimulates and contributes to social participation and functional independence through bodily dialogue. Individuals with CP can be encouraged neuropsychomotor, socio-educational and psychosomatic practice. Clinical Trial Registration: The study is registered with the "Thai Clinical Trial Registry (Identification number: TCTR20200502002). Funding: The study was developed at the Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil. This study was funded by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brazil (CAPES). Finance code number 400075/2017-2, process number: 23038.011152/2017-62.References
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