An unusual case of cycticercosis of the tendon sheath of the tendoachilles
Cysticercosis; Tendon sheath; Tendoachilles; MusclesAbstract
Cysticercosis is an infection by the larval stage (cystcercus cellulosae) of the cestode, Taenia Solium (pork tape worm), especially in those individuals who live in the endemic areas. After gaining entry into the body, the larvae become encysted and may lie in subcutaneous tissue, striated muscle, the vitreous humor, or other tissues. We report an unusual case of cysticercosis of the the tendon sheath of the tendoachilles that presented as a swelling of the tendoachilles. Upon Fine Needle Aspiration and Cytology (FNAC) that were conducted preoperatively, the possibility of villonodular synovitis was identified. However, the cysticercosis diagnosis was confirmed later after an excisional biopsy was performed. We could find no reports in the literature concerning an occurrence of cysticercosis in the tendon sheath of tendoachilles.
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