The role of stem cells in the improvement of brain injuries after hypoxic ischemia
Stem cell; Ischemic hypoxia; Frontal cortexAbstract
Introduction: Nowadays, the important role of stem cells in treatment of many diseases such as stoke is well known. Stem cells derived from either bone marrow or cord bloods are good sources for tissues replacement after post embryonic injuries.
Methods: Fourteen-day-old Wistar rats were used in this study. Rats were subjected to internal carotid artery occlusion for 30 minutes. Then, animals were received intravenously 2×105 Bromo Deoxy Uridine (BRDU) labeled- cord blood stem cells (CBSCs). Rats with hypoxic conditions that were not received any injection were assumed as a sham group. Intact animals who did not receive any injection or surgeries were used as a control group.
Results: Our results were evaluated according to behavioral tests and immunohistochemistry of the brain especially frontal cortex of the control, sham and experimental groups. Behavioral recovery was observed in the experimental group compared to the either the sham or the control group. In addition, histological studies demonstrated a reduction in ischemic cells in the experimental group compared to the sham group.
Conclusion: Intravenous transplantation can be a future line in treatment of infants with hypoxic who are exposed to irreversible damages.
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