Patterns and Sequelae of burn injury at the Jordanian Royal Medical Services rehabilitation center in 2005-2017
Across-sectional study
Domestic burn, Direct flame burn, Pattern, Epidemiology, JordanAbstract
Background: Burns are not yet appropriately reported in Jordan; determining patterns provides critical input in construction of awareness programs and vital issues to be addressed while developing such programs to raise public awareness as well as to increase the safety measures in domestic settings, as prevention is better than cure. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine burns in Jordan in regard to patterns and sequelae. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 1,288 records of patients with burns at the burns unit of the Royal Jordanian Rehabilitation Center (RJRC) between 2005 and 2017 were studied. Age, gender, total body surface area (TBSA), location of burn, admission date and time, location of incidence and mortality. All data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square test. Results: Mean age was 31±26 years; the male-to-female ratio was 1.56:1 and 41.8% of victims admitted were at or below 14 years of age. The proportions of males and females with burn injury was not statistically significant by age group (p=0.8). A total of 90.5% were in a domestic environment and 64.5% were the result of direct flame burn, followed by scalding burns in about 25.3%. The most affected sites were limbs with the majority of patients with below 40% total body surface area (TBSA) affected and deep partial thickness. A further 218 cases were inhalational injuries. Mean of in-hospital stay was 18 days. The overall mortality rate was 14.6% and attributed to elevated TBSA, depth of the wound, presence of inhalational injury and flame type of burn. Age specific mortality were 7.9% and 19.15% in patient younger than 14 years of age and in older ones respectively Conclusion: As most burns appeared to be in domestic settings, raising public awareness and increasing safety measures in domestic settings will hopefully decrease burn incidence and its consequences. Teaching first aid to the population can also be beneficial in reducing the morbidity and mortality of burn.References
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