The impact of general health and social support on health promoting lifestyle in the first year postpartum
The structural equation modelling
Postpartum Period, Life Style, Social SupportAbstract
Background and aim: Postpartum is a critical period for mothers which often leads to neglect of their own health. Mothers’ new responsibilities may affect their health promoting lifestyle (HPL). The aim of this study was to determine the impact of both general health and social support on health-promoting lifestyle. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 310 women who gave birth over a one-year period in Zanjan (Iran), 2016. A proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select respondents from each stratum. Health-promoting lifestyle was assessed using the health-promoting lifestyle profile II (HPLP II) scale. A structure equation model (SEM) was used to determine the relationship between observed and latent variables. Data were analysed using SPSS version 22 and LISREL 8.5 software. Results: The age of 42.6% of the participants was more than 30 years and 40.3% of them had an academic education. The mean score of the health-promoting lifestyle was 131.28 (15.37). The structural equation model fitted well with RMSEA =0.07, CFI=0.92, and GFI=0.94. Among the latent factors, general health, with a factor load of -0.68, had greater impact on health-promoting lifestyle than social support. Moreover, there was a significant correlation (-0.63) between general health and perceived social support in the postpartum period. Conclusion: health-promoting lifestyle was not at appropriate levels among women in the first year after delivery. These findings suggest that strengthening general health and social support would improve a health-promoting lifestyle in Iranian postpartum women.References
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