The effects of health promotion model-based educational program on self-care behaviors in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting in Iran
Background and aim: Post-operative self-care behaviors, have positive effects on increase in adaptability, and reduce cardiac surgery patients’ disability. The present study is carried out aimed at determining the effect of education based on a health promotion model on the patients' self-care behaviors after coronary artery bypass surgery. Methods: This is a semi-experimental study carried out in Mazandaran (Iran) in 2016. Two hundred and twenty patients who participated in the study were selected using a simple random sampling method from a population of postoperative patients, and divided into control and experimental groups (110 patients in each) using block (AABB) randomization. Self-designed self-care questionnaires based on a health promotion model were distributed among the patients once before and three months after intervention. The data were analyzed by SPSS-22, Chi-Square tests, Mann- Whitney and ANCOVA at the significance level of p<0.05. Results: The average score of total self-care behaviors in cardiac surgery patients was not significant between the two groups before education (p=0.065), but after training, a significant difference was observed between the two groups (p<0.001). The analysis of ANOVA with repeated measure indicated that following the intervention, significant difference was observed between the two groups in terms of improvement of self-care behaviors after excluding the effect of pre-test and controlling demographic and health-related characteristics. Conclusions: Developing and implementing a training program based on the health promotion model can enhance self-care behaviors and reduce the number of admissions in patients after cardiac surgery.
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