The rediscovery of the social side of medicine: philosophy and value of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
Social Medicine, Bio - Medical Disease Model, Participation, Bio-Psycho-Social Disease Model, ICFAbstract
Medicine is at risk of sliding into a sole repair service for the malfunction of organs. But the patients’ hope and confidence towards doctors practicing this repair work go far beyond that: after acute medical treatment many patients suffer from chronic impairments due to the natural course of the disease or as a result of medical interventions. Despite resulting handicaps, patients aim at participating in family and social life, retaining a workplace and receiving support to remain a valued member of the family and the community. Doctors should therefore not only concentrate on the natural science and technological part of medicine, but also consider the background of their patients, their involvement in life situations including environmental and personal factors, as these may influence functioning and disability as facilitators or barriers. Health Insurances Companies must organize, finance and control the achievements of the post-acute treatment process with the goal of participation. “Public Health” must combine and assess individual views to prepare reasonable population based social, economic and political decisions. The philosophy and structure of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is supporting this attitude of medicine, to complement the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) as a basis for health reports.
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