Relationship between tooth value and skin color in patients visiting Royal Medical Services clinics of Jordan
Fitzpatrick scale, Skin complexion, Tooth valueAbstract
Background: Facial and dental aesthetics are becoming of great concern for patients, especially for the younger generation. Tooth color matching and selection is considered a vital element in order to create an attractive beautiful smile. The importance of tooth color matching is to adjust tooth colors to obtain a good match with adjacent teeth and the skin. This is considered a challenge especially if adjacent teeth were lost or records of patients’ teeth color were not available. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between skin complexion and tooth value in a Jordanian population. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 520 individuals who were randomly selected and belonging to different age groups, ranging from 15-65 years, with equal sex distribution. These patients visited the dental clinics at different Jordanian military hospitals. The study was carried out over a period of one year from 2015 to 2016. The randomly selected sample was examined by one researcher. Shade of the middle third of the labial surface of central incisor was determined visually using VITA tooth guide, 3D-MASTER shade guide. Tooth shades were divided into two categories according to their value. The skin complexion was identified using Fitzpatrick skin type test, and was categorized into two categories (fair and dark). Data were statistically analyzed using Epi Info version 6. Results: A statistically significant tooth shade value difference was discovered among subjects of different skin color (p<0.0001). Individuals with dark skin tend to have lighter teeth, while individuals with light skin tend to have darker teeth. Out of the 304 participants that were with dark complexion 274 (90%) have light teeth, and only 30 (10%) were with dark teeth. Out of the 216 participants with light complexion 172 (80%) have dark teeth and only 44 (20%) have light teeth. Conclusion: Within the limitation of this study, there was an inverse relation between skin complexion and tooth value among a Jordanian population. Thus, considering the skin complexion when choosing tooth shades is helpful in achieving a pleasing good-looking smile, yet further investigations in this field must be carried out.References
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