Effect of six-week aerobic exercise on Chemerin and Resistin concentration in hypertensive postmenopausal women
Aerobic exercise; Chemerin; Resistin; PostmenopausalAbstract
Background: Physical activity reduces symptoms of cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of six-week aerobic exercise upon Chemerin and Resistin concentration in women with menopause who had hypertension.
Methods: The population of this quasi-experimental study included postmenopausal women diagnosed with hypertension. They were 50 to 55 years old and lived in Amol, a city in north part of Iran. Twenty volunteers were filled the personal consent and Health Questionnaire. They were randomly assigned to Experimental and control groups equally (n=10 per group). The experimental group conducted a 6-week aerobic training program from 8-10am every day.
Results: Endurance exercise decreased Chemerin (t=10.41, p<0.000) and Resistin (t=2.42, P<0.051); indicating the decline of inflammation and cardiovascular disease.
Conclusion: Considering anti-inflammatory effects of exercise, training plays an important role in reducing inflammatory indices in human; and endurance training can be a good strategy to deal with inflammation and cardiac- vascular risk factors.
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