Assessment of patient safety culture among personnel in the hospitals associated with Islamic Azad University in Tehran in 2013
Patient safety; Personnel; Hospital; IranAbstract
Background: Patient safety is an essential element in the quality of healthcare, and a clear knowledge of its culture in healthcare organizations will lead to both improved healthcare and patient safety. The aim of this study was to assess the patient safety culture at Islamic Azad University hospitals in Tehran, Iran, in 2013.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on clinical and diagnostic staff in all Islamic Azad University hospitals in Tehran in June 2013. The international "Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture" questionnaire was used as the measurement tool.
Results: In these hospitals, the overall positive score of patient safety culture was 35%. "Teamwork within units" (48% positive) was evaluated as reflecting the most knowledge of the aspects of patient safety culture, and "non-punitive response to error" (12% positive) was evaluated as reflecting the least knowledge of the aspects of patient safety culture.
Conclusion: The patient safety culture in the hospitals that were studied should be improved. This goal could be achieved by reinforcing the basics of patient safety culture by teaching the staff members about the aspects of a positive patient safety culture and encouraging them to incorporate these aspects in their day-to-day activities.
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