Prevalence of and Factors Associated with Migraine in Medical Students at BandarAbbas, Southern Iran, in 2012
Headache; Migraine; Medical studentsAbstract
Background: Migraine is one of the most common etiologies for headache. This very common neurological disorder has a significant impact on patients' quality of life. The aim of the current study is to evaluate the prevalence of migraine among medical students in the Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences (HUMS).
Methods: A total of 350 medical students were enrolled in our descriptive study. Data were collected using the standard questionnaire of the International Headache Association. The data were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 software using descriptive statistics, Chi-Square, and Independent Samples T-Test. A P-value of ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant, since most public health professionals use this value as a standard.
Results: Among the medical students in our study, 24.6% had experienced frequent, severe headaches. The underlying causes of the headaches were diagnosed in 19.8% of the students. The prevalence of migraine in our study was 16.3% (mean age=21.28±2.71years). The prevalence varied by gender, and it was greater among male students.
Conclusion: Our findings indicated that there was a high prevalence of migraine among the medical students in our study, and these findings were consistent with those of previous studies in Iran and other countries.
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