Misoprostol versus High Dose Oxytocin and Laminaria in Termination of Pregnancy in Second Trimester Pregnancies
Misoprostol; Laminaria, Oxytocin; Pregnancy terminationAbstract
Background: In 2 recent decades, found drug regimen to induce abortion that are more effective than surgery. prostaglandins especially misoprostol, oxytocin and osmotic dilators such as laminaria use for termination but the best method is unknown. Therefore we aimed to assess the comparison between the misoprostol regimen and the highly concentrated oxytocin with laminaria regimen in second trimester of pregnancy termination.
Methods: In this randomized clinical trial, 100 women with gestational age 14 to 24 week coming to hospital due to termination of pregnancy in the absence of uterine contractions and items of exclusion criteria enrolled to study and randomly assign to 2 groups and received misoprostol (group 1) or oxytocin (group 2). Data collected with use of observation, examination and demographic checklist. In group 1, in admission time and then every 6 hour patients received 200µgr misoprostol until start the pain or vaginal bleeding or abortion in 48 hr. in group 2, patients first received laminaria in cervix with duration of 6 hr and then oxytocin 50 unit in 500 cc normal saline in 3 hr. after 1 hr rest, oxytocin dosage elevated as multiple into 2 and continue until termination or maximum dose of 300 u in 500 cc normal saline. Data entered to SPSS software version 16 and analyzed with use of descriptive methods and also Chi-square and T-test.
Results: In each group enrolled 50 women that approximately no different in baseline characteristic. Number of abortion in misoprostol group was more than oxytocin group (P<0.001) and duration of abortion also was shorter than oxytocin in misoprostol group (P<0.001). Side effects in 23 (46%) women in misoprostol group were seen but no side effect seen in oxytocin group. Complementally interventions was seen in 31 women (60%) in misoprostol group versus 32 women (62%) in oxytocin group but this difference was not significant (P>0.05).
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that misoprostol is effective than oxytocin in termination of pregnancy but with attention to limitation of this study include of limited abortion causes due to legal laws, additional studies on different doses of misoprostol and oxytocin due to achieve to suitable regimen with lower side effects recommended.
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