Risky behaviors of taxi drivers in Bandar Abbas, Iran
Iran, Taxi drivers, Safety, Risky behaviorsAbstract
Background and aim: It has been revealed that taxi drivers break more traffic rules than ordinary drivers. Such risky behaviors include stopping at prohibited areas and sudden change of direction. The present study aimed to determine the Risky Behaviors of Taxi Drivers in Bandar Abbas, Iran Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 184 taxi drivers were randomly selected from eight taxi stations located at different parts of Bandar Abbas city in 2016. Taxi drivers’ risky behaviors were evaluated via a 20-item questionnaire. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 19, using descriptive statistics and independent-samples t-test. The p-values less than 0.05 were considered as statistically significant. Results: The mean age of the drivers was 45.1 (±11.1) years. The mean of their occupational experience was 18.7 (±10.8) years. The risky behaviors which showed the highest frequency were respectively, failure to use signal-lights, driving too close to the cars in front, refusing to drive within the lanes and erratic lane changing. The lowest frequency belonged to running a red light, ignoring ‘no entry’ signs and taking illegal U-turns. Risky driving behaviors were shown to be significantly more prevalent among drivers with previous experience of crashes or tickets than drivers with no such experiences (p˂0.01). Conclusion: Increasing the role of police supervision for the strict implementation of driving laws, and modification of the drivers’ behavior and implementation of periodic training programs on drivers’ safety issues can be considered for reducing taxi drivers’ unsafe behaviors.
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