Common elements and features of a mobile-based self-management system for people living with HIV
Data element, Technical, Self-management, HIV, AIDSAbstract
Background: In recent years, mobile-based applications have become important technologies to the delivery of healthcare around the world. Mobile-based self-management systems with standard features for providing, evaluating, and improving HIV care are significantly required in developing countries. Objective: To determine the common elements of a mobile-based self-management system for people living with HIV (PLWH). Methods: This cross-sectional study was done in two main phases in 2017. In the first phase, a review was conducted in relevant databases such as; PubMed, Scopus, Up To Date, and Web of Science. The keywords used to search for resources were as follows; Self-care, Self-management, Data elements, Minimum data set, Mobile application, Mobile health, and HIV/AIDS. In the second phase, the infectious diseases specialists and health information managers affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences were consulted to score identified elements by a questionnaire. Frequency and mean of collected data were calculated using SPSS software (version 19). Results: By full-text reviewing of 9 related articles, the identified elements were justified in 3 main categories and 37 subcategories including: clinical data elements (17), technical capabilities (12) and demographic data elements (8). According to the findings, among the clinical category, 11 data elements were selected by the statistical population. Among the identified technical capabilities, 11 features were selected. Moreover, 6 data elements were selected as the demographic category. Conclusion: We obtained data elements and technical capabilities of a mobile-based self-management system for people living with HIV. Using these elements and features, designing of self-management system architecture will be possible. Self-management skills of PLWH and their communication with healthcare providers will improve by using this system.References
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