Exploring the experiences of Iranian adolescent mothers about the maternal role
A qualitative study
Maternal, Role, Adolescent, Qualitative Research, IranAbstract
Background: Early motherhood is one of the most important issues in developing countries. Adolescent mothers are not sufficiently prepared to accept the maternal role. How to achieve success in the maternal role should be studied. Objective: To explore the experiences of Iranian adolescent mothers about the maternal role. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted through a conventional content analysis approach from March to December 2016. Face to face in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 Iranian teenage mothers in Kerman province, Iran. Participants were selected purposefully and with maximum variation of the age of the first birth, child's age, place of residence and financial status. Data collection continued until data saturation and MAXQDA software was utilized to analyze the collected data. Results: Data analysis resulted in the extraction of the two main categories including optimizing the process of the maternal experience (use of maximum individual capabilities, planning and management of conditions, efforts to acquire maternal competency, and reliance on spirituality) and supporters for the acceptance of the maternal role (social support, professional services of health care providers, time lapse, care history). Conclusion: Early motherhood is not merely an unpleasant experience; if appropriate strategies and facilitators are used, it can have positive consequences. Health care providers should provide satisfactory services in care, education and support with adequate knowledge of adolescent characteristics. Opportunities in the community should also be directed to support this vulnerable group.
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