Effect of Pistacia atlantica kurdica gum on diabetic gastroparesis symptoms
A randomized, triple-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial
Gastroparesis, Diabetes mellitus, Pistacia atlantica, Persian medicineAbstract
Background: Gastroparesis is a recognized problem of type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus that is defined by delayed gastric emptying. Due to insufficient satisfaction of current treatments, the use of complementary and alternative medicine in this field seems essential. According to Persian medicine, Pistacia atlantica gum has proper effect on gastrointestinal disorder specially stomach diseases. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of Pistacia atlantica gum on diabetic gastroparesis symptoms. Methods: A triple-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial on subjects with diabetic gastroparesis was conducted at the clinic of Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad city in Iran, from November 2016 to May 2017. Fifty-four patients (16.7% males and 83.3% females) enrolled in the 8-week study and were randomly divided into two groups of intervention Pistacia atlantica and placebo groups. Both of the groups had received current dietary advice. Severity of gastroparesis symptoms was assessed with a Gastroparesis cardinal symptom index (GCSI) questionnaire. SPSS software version 16 was used to analyze the data and Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) model, Independent-samples t-test, Paired-samples t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to assess variables. Results: All gastroparesis symptoms of patients (14.6% diabetes type 1 and 85.4% diabetes type 2) including nausea /vomiting, postprandial fullness/early satiety, and bloating were significantly declined in each group during study (p˂0.0001). Pistacia atlantica gum significantly reduced severity of gastroparesis symptoms including Postprandial fullness/early satiety (p=0.04), Bloating (p˂0.0001), and GCSI scores (p=0.001) versus placebo. Systolic blood pressure (p=0.006), BMI (p=0.018), and HbA1c (p=0.038) significantly decreased in the Pistacia atlantica group after the intervention. Conclusion: This study showed that daily consumption of Pistacia atlantica gum for one month improves diabetic gastroparesis symptoms. Trial registration: The trial was registered at the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (http://www.irct.ir) with the code of IRCT2016110630739N1. Funding: This study was supported by funding (grant no.: 950153) from the Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Research Council, Mashhad, Iran.References
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