The risk of cardiovascular events based on the Framingham criteria in Adults Living in Mashhad (Iran)
Cardiovascular diseases, Framingham study, Risk factors, PreventionAbstract
Background and aim: Cardiovascular diseases are a problem in low- and middle-income countries, such as Iran. The present research was performed to identify risk factors contributing to cardiovascular diseases and their distributions among the adult population of Mashhad (Iran) using the Framingham criteria. Methods: This cross-sectional population-based study performed in 2015 on 2,976 adults living in Mashhad (Iran) using Stratified cluster-random sampling method. Demographic information was acquired by surveyors in the research team using a checklist and referring to a medical laboratory for laboratory assessments. The 10-year risk of cardiovascular diseases for the participants was calculated using the Framingham criteria and was classified into three classes: low risk (<10%), intermediate risk (10-20%), and high risk (>20%). The analysis was done by SPSS Version 11.5 by using the Independent-samples t-test, Kruskal-Wallis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: A total of 2,978 participants aged 16-90 participated in our cross-sectional study with an average age of 43.5±14.7 years. Total risk scores among men and women were 7.29±6.3 and 5.8±6.03, respectively. Compared to women, men exhibited a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular diseases (p<0.001). Average heart age among men and women was estimated at 50.37±18.7 and 48.8±17.0 respectively, i.e. significantly older heart age was obtained for men compared to women (p<0.001). Conclusion: According to this study, men are at a great risk of cardiovascular events, so we should develop our screening and educational program especially for this population.References
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