Effectiveness of neurofeedback training on verbal memory, visual memory and self-efficacy in students
Background: Memory is the basis for the development of language skills and learning processes, and self-efficacy is one of the most important predictors of academic achievement. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effects of neurofeedback training (NFB) on verbal and visual memory and self-efficacy in students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences (Rafsanjan, Iran). Twenty-six students without severe neuropsychological disorder, history of epilepsy and drug abuse were selected randomly and divided into two groups. First, the participants completed the Morgan-Jinks Student Efficacy Scale (MJSES) and then were assessed by Kim Karad Visual Memory Test (KKVMT) and Wechsler Memory Scale for verbal memory (WMSVM). The experimental group underwent 15 sessions of neurofeedback training (NFB) for increase in sensorimotor response (SMR) in central zero (Cz) and fronto-central zero (FCz) location at the psychology clinic Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences. Visual and verbal memory and self-efficacy were assessed by KKVMT, WMSVM and MJSES after completion of sessions and one month later. Posttest and follow-up of the control group were also carried out simultaneously with the experimental group. Data were analyzed in SPSS version 16, using descriptive statistical and repeated measures ANCOVA. The significance level of examining the hypotheses was set at p≤0.05. Results: The Mean±SD of verbal memory in the experimental group in pretest, posttest and follow-up was 20±1.9, 22.58±2.1, 22.41±2.06 respectively (p<0.001, Effect size= 0.53). There were significant changes in short-term (p=0.001, Effect size =0.41) and long-term (p=0.001, Effect size =0.42) visual memory. The changes of mid-term visual memory and self-efficacy in the experimental group were not significant (p=0.135, p=0.062). Conclusion: NFB is effective in improving verbal memory and some dimensions of visual memory. Further studies are needed to achieve better results.References
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