Life Satisfaction in children and adolescents with beta thalassemia major in southwest Iran
Background: Beta thalassemia major has a considerable impact on quality of life. The purpose of this study was to determine the life satisfaction of beta-thalassemic children and adolescents compared to healthy controls. Methods: This research, conducted in 2009, was a controlled, cross-sectional study in which beta-thalassemic patients, who were being followed-up by the Thalassemic Center in Bushehr, a city in southern Iran, were compared with a healthy control group. The Multi-dimensional Student Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS) was used to measure the participants’ quality of life in five domains. The chi-squared test, t-test, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation, and multiple regression analysis were used for the statistical analyses. Results: The unadjusted mean scores of three of the domains, i.e., school, friends, and living environment, and the total score of five domains, i.e., school, friends, living environment, family, and self, were significantly higher in thalassemic patients than in the control group (P < 0.05). These significant differences were persistent after adjusting the mean scores of the three domains and the total score of the five domains for age, gender, and educational level. Conclusion: The thalassemic patients were more satisfied with life than the healthy controls in Bushehr. Many factors may be responsible for this finding. The results of this study suggest that the attitude of parents and society concerning assigning responsibility to patients should be assessed. The assessment should include comparing the satisfaction with life of thalassemic patients with that of their healthy siblings and conducting national studies on the quality of life of thalassemic patients and their satisfaction with lifeAbstract
Background: Beta thalassemia major has a considerable impact on quality of life. The purpose of this study was to determine the life satisfaction of beta-thalassemic children and adolescents compared to healthy controls.
Methods: This research, conducted in 2009, was a controlled, cross-sectional study in which beta-thalassemic patients, who were being followed-up by the Thalassemic Center in Bushehr, a city in southern Iran, were compared with a healthy control group. The Multi-dimensional Student Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS) was used to measure the participants’ quality of life in five domains. The chi-squared test, t-test, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation, and multiple regression analysis were used for the statistical analyses.
Results: The unadjusted mean scores of three of the domains, i.e., school, friends, and living environment, and the total score of five domains, i.e., school, friends, living environment, family, and self, were significantly higher in thalassemic patients than in the control group (P < 0.05). These significant differences were persistent after adjusting the mean scores of the three domains and the total score of the five domains for age, gender, and educational level.
Conclusion: The thalassemic patients were more satisfied with life than the healthy controls in Bushehr. Many factors may be responsible for this finding. The results of this study suggest that the attitude of parents and society concerning assigning responsibility to patients should be assessed. The assessment should include comparing the satisfaction with life of thalassemic patients with that of their healthy siblings and conducting national studies on the quality of life of thalassemic patients and their satisfaction with life
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