Use of the Finnish method to quantify the ergonomic properties in an office environment among the workplaces in an Electricity Distribution Company in West Tehran Province
workplace, occupational injuries, questionnairesAbstract
Introduction: The workplace plays an important role in workers’ performances, but most workplaces have not been designed and equipped in keeping with primary ergonomic principles. Ignoring these principles can cause ergonomic risk factors, difficulties for workers, and damage to workers’ health. The aim of this study was to identify acceptable ergonomic properties in workplaces in order to determine and investigate the aspects of workstations that cause occupational discomfort. To accomplish this aim, we used the Finish method to evaluate workstations in an electricity distribution company in Tehran.
Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted for all of the workstations in an electrical power distribution company using the census method. The desired information was collected through objective observation using the Finish checklist of ergonomic issues in the workplace. Then, we used SPSS version 16 to analyze the information.
Results: In 11.2% of the workstations, none of the ergonomic principles was considered, so workers’ bodied were not situated appropriately while they were working. In 31% of the cases, lighting ranged between 10% and 50% of the recommended amount, and some of the workers appeared to be in a slight daze. In 42.3% of the cases, the temperature in the workplace was in the range of 25 to 27 oC. In 42.3 and 52.3% of the cases, ratings of noise were 2 and 3, respectively, indicating that the noise levels were 60-70 dB and 70-80 dB, respectively.
Conclusion: The findings of this study can be used to determine ergonomic deficiencies in workstations so they can be resolved. Based on our investigation, it was found that the workstations, first and foremost, had significant defects in terms of work components. Furthermore, there were some irritating problems concerning noise and concerning comfort levels related to the high temperature.
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