Highlighting the achievements of the fourth International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies

Type of article: Editorial

Abdeldjalil KHELASSI1, Wolfgang Seger2  

1Editor-in-chief of Medical Technologies Journal

2Chair of Health Science section at Medical Technologies Journal

Abstract: This is an editorial reporting the fourth International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies ICHSMT. After the success of three versions of the international congress ICHSMT, the fourth congress was established from 5 to 7 December 2019 at Tlemcen, Algeria. With the cooperation of University of Tlemcen, Knowledge Kingdom Publishing and other partners, the congress attracted an important number of researchers from several domains and affiliations. Aiming to contributing the scientific progress and the promotion of the community of health sciences and medical technologies. The congress was established virtually and in-person which challenged the political and technical problems. 

Keywords: Conference report, Health sciences, Medical technology, Algeria, Tlemcen

Corresponding author: Abdeldjalil KHELASSI Abou Bakr Belkaid University of Tlemcen, Algeria khelassi.a@gmail.com

Medical Technologies Journal subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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1.  Introduction

The International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies is a multidisciplinary initiative for promoting the scientific progress, finding and innovation. Covering all topics of medicine including applied basic sciences and technology in medicine: Surgery, Internal Medicine, Midwifery, Nursing, Biomedical Science, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology and Urology, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Dermatology, Rheumatology, Hematology and Transfusion Science, Anatomy, Histopathology, Laboratory, Imaging Science, Oncology, Community Health, Occupational Health, Environmental Health, Social Health, Epidemiology, Health Informatics, e-Health, Bio-Medical Engineering, Medical Information Systems, Assistive Technologies in Medicine, Social insurance medicine, Public health, Patient Security, Image and signal processing for medicine, Medical Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Bioinformatics, Drug design, Data mining and knowledge discovery for health sciences, Mobile health, Telemedicine, Health 2.0, Medical education, E-learning for medicine.

The first version was established at University of Tlemcen, Algeria (2016) [1], the second was established by Knowledge Kingdom Publishing at Tlemcen, Algeria (2017) [2], and the Third one was organized by CERIST and Knowledge Kingdom Publishing at Algiers, Algeria (2018) [3]. This report will explore the fourth version of ICHSMT which was organized by Knowledge Kingdom Publishing at Tlemcen, Algeria between 5th and 7th December 2019.


2.  Participants

This multi-disciplinary project is aiming to establish a template for promotion and development of the actual medical and technological problems and trends. The congress author’s affiliations were from several departments such as medicine, biology, physics, chemical sciences, computer science, environment, pharmacy, electrical and electronic engineering, and mechanical engineering.

ICHSMT’19 contributors are from 18 nations: Algeria, Germany, Iran, Switzerland, Netherland, Denmark, Malaysia, China, Portugal, Bulgaria, Pakistan, France, Morocco, Brazil, United Kingdom, Egypt, India, and Poland. The program committee had selected the following keynotes:

·       Title: “Data-based risk assessment of cancer diseases for life insurance” By Dr. Ralf Lohse, Underwriter at Hannover Reinsurance SE Germany[9].

·       Title: “The Assessment of Long-Term-Care, its Quality Assurance and Results –The German Perspective–” By Prof. Dr. Med. Wolfgang Seger,


·       Title:  “Access  to  Opioids  in  Palliative  Care  in  Low-and  Middle-Income

Countries ” By Dr. Thierry Edoh, Department of Pharmacy, University of Bonn, Germany [11].

·       Title: “Artificial Intelligence-Based Diagnostic Tools for Screening of Retinal Abnormalities in Human Eye” By Assoc. Pr. Dr Jude Hemanth, Department of ECE, Karunya University, Coimbatore, India [5].

The participants’ contributions were selected and categorized in five sections: three international conferences, one workshop and one session. In the Table 1, we present the number of contributions in each section.

Table 1: ICHSMT’19 Participants contributions



ICMT’19: International Conference on Medical Technologies


ICCPH’19: International Conference on Cancer and Public Health


ICPCBS’19: International Conference on Preclinical and Basic Sciences


International workshop Genetic items


Session on Education publication and ethics


3.  Contents

The contents of the congress was divided in two working days see figure 1. It was categorized as: keynotes, posters, online or virtual, and in-person (oral).

Figure 1. Contents categorization of ICHSMT’19.

The program committee has received 73 submissions, which were reviewed by multidisciplinary researchers. The PC accepted 63 presentations and rejected 10 due to several reasons. The rate of acceptance was 86.3%.

Table2: Participation history.


Accepted Contributions

Rate of acceptance

Authors number

Nation of contributors





















4.  Publication

Like the previews versions [6-8], the first publication was the abstract book [5] which was divided into five sections representing the co-located five international conferences and workshops (see Table 1).

The first form of publication provided some full text articles suggested for publication in journals, these articles are still in the reviewing stage. We hope the success for all these contributions.

The second publication included some selected abstracts suggested for journals. Medical Technologies Journal MTJ published three keynotes [9-11] and six conference abstracts [12-17].

The third publication was a book [9] entitled “Advances in Multidisciplinary Medical Technologies ─ Engineering, Modeling and Findings Proceedings of the ICHSMT 2019”.

5.  Conclusion

The congress is promoting the scientific progress by ensuring the attraction of multidisciplinary researchers. It obtains a successful realization due to several help and guides from several sides. The virtual option resolved partially the political crises in France and the schedule overlap for researchers.

6.  Conflict of interest statement

We certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization concerning the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript.

7.  Acknowledgments

We acknowledge all sponsors for their contributions especially the Algerian General Direction of Scientific Research and Technological Development DGRSDT, University of Tlemcen and the National office of Tourism ONAT with Knowledge Kingdom Publishing.

8.   Authors’ biography

Dr Abdeldjalil Khelassi, is an Associate Professor at Tlemcen University, Algeria. He obtained his Doctor in Science (2013), Magister (2008) and Engineer (2004) in Computer Sciences from the Department of Computer Science at Tlemcen University. His research interest includes cognitive systems, knowledge-based systems, case-based reasoning, distributed reasoning, fuzzy sets theory and health science. He is the editor-manager of Medical Technologies Journal.

Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Seger, Professor for Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Bremen, Germany. Specialist in Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Social Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine. Chairman of the Medical Health Advisory Board of the Statutory German Federal Association for Rehabilitation. Longstanding Medical Director and Deputy CEO, Advisory Board of all Statutory Health and Long Term Care Insurances in Lower Saxony, Germany, now freelance expert in Social Medicine.

9.  References

[1] Khelassi Abdeldjalil, Conference Report: International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies, Tlemcen, Algeria 27-29 September 2016 ICHSMT'16. Electronic Physician. October 2016, Volume: 8, Issue: 10, Pages: 3032-3034, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19082/3032. PMid:27957299 PMCid:PMC5133024

 [2] KHELASSI, A. "Report on the Second International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies". Medical Technologies Journal, Vol. 2, no. 1, Feb. 2018, pp. 137-9, Doi: https://doi.org/10.26415/2572-004X-vol2iss1p137-139.

 [3] KHELASSI, A., and V. V. Estrela. "Report on the International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies". Medical Technologies Journal, Vol. 3, no. 2, July 2019, pp. 418-9, doi:10.26415/2572-004X-vol3iss2p418-419.

[4] Khelassi Abdeldjalil, Vania Vieira Estrela Advances in Multidisciplinary Medical Technologies ─ Engineering, Modeling and Findings. July 2020; Springer. ISBN: 978-3-030-57552-6. https://doi.org/10.26415/978-3-030-57552-6

[5] Wolfgang Seger; Vania Vieira Estrela; A. KHELASSI Abstract Book of the International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies 2019. 12/2019; Knowledge Kingdom Publishing. ISBN: 978-9931- 9446-2- 1. https://doi.org/10.26415/978-9931-9446-2-1

[6] A. KHELASSI Abstract Book of the International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies 2018. 10/2018; Knowledge Kingdom Publishing. ISBN: 978-9931- 9446-0- 7. https://doi.org/10.26415/978-9931-9446-0-7

[7] A. KHELASSI: Abstract Book: ICHSMT'17,Tlemcen 10-12 October 2017, International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies 2017. 10/2017; Mehr Publishing. ISBN: 978-600-96661-3-3.

[8] A. KHELASSI: Abstract Book of the International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies 2016. 09/2016; Mehr Publishing. ISBN: 978-600-96661-0-2.

 [9] Seger, Wolfgang 2019. The Assessment of Long-Term-Care, its Quality Assurance and Results -The German Perspective- . Medical Technologies Journal. 3, 3 (Oct. 2019), 453-453. DOI:https://doi.org/10.26415/2572-004X-vol3iss3p453-453.

[10] Lohse, R. "Data-Based Risk Assessment of Cancer Diseases for Life Insurance". Medical Technologies Journal, Vol. 3, no. 3, Oct. 2019, pp. 454-4, Doi:10.26415/2572-004X-vol3iss3p454-454.

[11] T. Edoh and M. Lankoande, "Access to Opioids in Palliative Care in Low-and Middle-Income Countries ", Mèd Technologies J., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 430-442, Oct. 2019.


[12] Bellifa, S. et al. "Detection of Biofilm Formation of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Isolated from Medical Devices at the University Hospital of Tlemcen, Algeria". Medical Technologies Journal, Vol. 4, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 518-9, doi:10.26415/2572-004X-vol4iss1p518-519.

[13] Bennacer, A. et al. "CcMP-II Metalloproteinase from Cerastes Cerastes Snake Venom Acts Both on Blood Vessel ECM and Platelets". Medical Technologies Journal, Vol. 4, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 516-7, doi:10.26415/2572-004X-vol4iss1p516-517.

[14] Benmansour, N. et al. "Study of the Biological Activities of the Seeds of the Plant Ceratonia Siliqua L. Recovered in the Bejaia Region". Medical Technologies Journal, Vol. 4, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 520-1, doi:10.26415/2572-004X-vol4iss1p520-521.

[15] Bekkari, N. et al. "Kidney Sensitivity to the Non-Toxic Fraction F1 in Physiological and Non-Physiological State". Medical Technologies Journal, Vol. 4, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 522-, doi:10.26415/2572-004X-vol4iss1p522-522.

[16] Keniche, A. et al. "Removal of Drugs from Hospitals Wastewater by Photodegradation". Medical Technologies Journal, Vol. 4, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 523-4, doi:10.26415/2572-004X-vol4iss1p523-524.

[17] Benmansour, N. et al. "Study of the Anti-Inflammatory and Healing Properties of the Rhizomes of Carthamus Caeruleus L. (Asteraceae) Harvested in the Region of Tipaza". Medical Technologies Journal, Vol. 4, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 525-6, doi:10.26415/2572-004X-vol4iss1p525-526.