Research of the yeasts Candida non - albicans on various medical devices in the service of resuscitation of the Teaching hospital of Tlemcen, Algeria


  • Hanane Ziane Laboratory antibiotics antifungal: physicochemistry synthesis and biological activity, Tlemcen University, Tlemcen, Algeria. Author
  • Lamia Sari-Belkherroubi Laboratory antibiotics antifungal: physicochemistry synthesis and biological activity, Tlemcen University, Tlemcen, Algeria. Author
  • Zahia Boucherit-Otmani Laboratory antibiotics antifungal: physicochemistry synthesis and biological activity, Tlemcen University, Tlemcen, Algeria Author
  • Kebir Boucherit Laboratory antibiotics antifungal: physicochemistry synthesis and biological activity, Tlemcen University, Tlemcen, Algeria. Author



Reanimation, medical device, fungic infection, Candida non-albicans.


Background and aim: The fungic infections, more particularly the Candidiasis are frequent in the intensive care units. This had a relation with the heaviness of the pathologies, presented by the patients and the quasi-systematic recourse to various medical devices. In addition, we observe more and more and more the emergence of numerous species of Candida non- albicans in these hospital structures. That’s why we undertook this study which concerns the evaluation of the incidence of the sepathogenic on medical devices implanted during 48hours and  more on patients hospitalized in the resuscitation service of CHU of Tlemcen. 

Methods:After isolation of yeast son selective mediums, the strains obtained were  identified by using chromogenicmediums (CHROMagar®Candida) and the Api identification Candidagalleries (BioMérieux®).

Results:The results showed that among100 samples are taken, 15% been altered by yeasts of Candida non-albicans.

Conclusion: It appears from this study that the fungal infections on medical devices are widely present in hospitals especially in the intensive care unit. The presence of Candida non- albicans yeasts is not negligible; they are 15% on the level of the various medical devices implanted.







Conference abstracts