Investigation of marital satisfaction and its relationship with job stress and general health of nurses in Qazvin, Iran
Health, Depression, Satisfaction, StressAbstract
Background: Pressures in nursing can affect family life and marital problems, disrupt common social problems, increase work-family conflicts and endanger people’s general health.
Aim: To determine marital satisfaction and its relationship with job stress and general health of nurses.
Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was done in 2015 in medical educational centers of Qazvin by using an ENRICH marital satisfaction scale and General Health and Job Stress questionnaires completed by 123 nurses. Analysis was done by SPSS version 19 using descriptive and analytical statistics (Pearson correlation, t-test, ANOVA, Chi-square, regression line, multiple regression analysis).
Results: The findings showed that 64.4% of nurses had marital satisfaction. There was significant relationship between age (p=0.03), job experience (p=0.01), age of spouse (p=0.01) and marital satisfaction. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between marital satisfaction and general health (p<0.0001). Multiple regression analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between depression (p=0.012) and anxiety (p=0.001) with marital satisfaction.
Conclusions: Due to high levels of job stress and disorder in general health of nurses and low marital satisfaction by running health promotion programs and paying attention to its dimensions can help work and family health of nurses.
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